
Wednesday, November 11, 2015


The greatest spiritual crisis comes when a person has to move a little further on in his faith than the beliefs he has already accepted. 
Oswald Chambers

I read this the other day in my devotions and it challenged me as I thot about it. Am I willing to go beyond the beliefs I have already accepted, and even more so, the beliefs accepted among my circle of friends, relatives, and other Christians if God so asks me to?
 When I think over the spiritual journey our family has been on, I realize more than ever the  faith and courage that it must have taken for my parents to step out in obedience and embrace beliefs and convictions that were foreign to them and to everyone they knew. It was difficult for friends to understand and accept the changes our family made. Sometimes I don't think we hardly understood ourselves; only that God had touched on this thing or that and we were to obey. Other times, there was no question why God was putting His finger on one thing or another, and we zealously followed His leading. At times it took us down lonely roads as the changes we made were more than what our friends were comfortable with. There were times we were misunderstood for being legalistic and judgmental.
Leonard Ravenhill said it well: "If you're going to be a true Christian, I'll tell you one thing amongst others, it'll be a lonely life. And it'll get narrower and narrower and narrower. " 
 And it does get to be. Thankfully, the One who bids us further on in faith never leaves us nor forsakes us, and His presence sees us thru the night seasons. And in time, He does bring fellow travelers along the way, and we find we are not alone in this journey. Others, too, have chosen to go a little farther on in their faith than the beliefs they had already accepted, leading them down the same narrow way! And what blessed fellowship we share together in the journey!
But oh, I ponder, what if God asks me to go yet a little farther on beyond the beliefs I've already embraced? What if it meant another narrow and lonely journey? Would I have the courage and zeal to follow the call? By His grace and strength, I pray I would. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Most Blessed Place

Came across this today and it so inspires me as a homemaker and what a blessed calling it is. Some may disparagingly look down and say 'only a homemaker', but truly it is beautiful and priceless calling. We have the ability to make the home a sweet gathering place, a place of warmth and refuge, a place of rest and comfort, a place that draws us closer together and closer to God. It's a place where we can be real. It needn't be perfect or home beautiful; just a place where love and laughter dwells, where children are glad to be, and where all who enter find it hard to leave. A place where God's presence can be felt, where His love can be shared, where His healing can take place.

Home can either be a little piece of heaven or a little piece of the other, and the way it turns out is greatly determined by the one who keeps the home and spirit in which she does her work. If the work is but drudgery, and if we don't have eyes to see beyond it to the ministry that is ours in serving, caring and loving those closest to us, and the opportunities that we have in opening our doors with warm hospitality to the lost and hurting world around us, then we surely have a most a miserable job indeed.

It thrills my heart when I consider what an ultimate calling it is to make the home the most blessed place on earth!

Monday, June 29, 2015

As We See the Day Approaching

Storm clouds. I feel it. I sense it. They are just on the horizon, brewing up a storm like we've never seen or known. I don't know when it will unleash it's flood gates, but I think it will be sooner than any of us would want to be believe, and I wonder, will we be ready?

To me, the signs of the times are becoming more and more evident. We've enjoyed freedoms like none other land has known. But what if in one day, those freedoms were taken from us? What if in an instant everything turned around on us and we, like our brothers and sisters in other lands, must suffer for the name of Christ? Will we be ready? What if our Bibles are taken from us? Do we have passages stored in our hearts for such a time when we cannot turn through the pages of the most precious Book we all have but that we so often take for granted? 

If the tides were to turn, or maybe I should say, WHEN the tide turns, will we look back on the time we are living in now with regret and shame that we did not spend more time in the Word, or in prayer? Do we have that intimate relationship with Jesus that will carry us through the storm, the trials and the tribulations that Christ told us are coming? 

As we see the day approaching, may we get into the Word and let the Word get into us. May we fall on our knees in prayer and supplications. May our hearts be burdened for the lost ones, the straying ones, and the ones who are struggling. Let's pray for each other that we be strong in the Lord and strong in the faith. It's a battlefield and the enemy is fighting and fighting hard. I need prayer and I know others who need prayer. In reality, I think we all probably need prayer. But do we pray for each other? Do we know each others struggles to even know how to pray? I think there are a lot of battles going on in lives around us that we don't know about. We cover up and say we're ok, when really we're not. I know because I've done it myself. Let's be there for each other, encouraging and praying for one another. And may we know how to pray for one another. Let's bear each other's burdens...because life is hard, and it'll only get harder before it'll get better and we need each other, especially as we see the day approaching. 

I guess it's just become a real burden of my heart because I really believe the tide IS about to change,  and more than ever we'll need each other. Is it possible for us to  set aside times of prayer, Bible study and memorization? Can we set the fun aside for a little while to seek the Lord in times and places when we are together? I speak to myself as much or more as anyone because I love having a good time. But in the end, what really matters? Was it having fun or was it praying for the struggling soul? And if our common bond is in Christ, than should we not find it a deep blessing and joy to do these things when we are together throughout the week, and not just on Sundays or at church related functions? 

These are just more pondering and things I feel the Lord is challenging me in right now, areas I need to grow in as I see the day approaching....  

Whatever the coming days hold, may we continue to find our hope and strength in the Lord!  

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised;) 
And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works:
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."    Hebrews 10:23-25

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Can This Be Said About Me?


  • Even if others wrong her, she turns it over to God and doesn't seek revenge. Self is the last thing on her mind. God's love gives her patience.
  • She believes that jealousy is disastrous, and that all are made wonderfully by God ~ including herself.
  • She desires the best for others, and never brags or takes credit for abilities or gifts. Her greatness is revealed in what she doesn't say. (she is humble)
  • She is not arrogant or intellectually puffed up. She believes that that our opinions should be from the Word of God. (genuine humility)
  • She is never boorish, inattentive, rude, inconsiderate. She says things the right way at the right time ~ always. (temperance)
  • She doesn't grasp for her own rights.
  • She doesn't become irritated or touchy. She never loses her temper.
  • She is never vindictive or retaliatory. She never keeps a record of wrongs.
  • She doesn't delight in exposing others' weaknesses.
  • She's not gullible, but charitable.
  • She's always active, never passive.
  • She never views failure as final, because God is pruning us for the future.
  • She knows that she can't be conquered by evil because she lives in Christ.
  • She has a calming presence in all circumstances, not leaving a trail of tension.
  • She is gentle and kind.
  • She counts on God in every situation.
  • She is committed to doing what is good.
  • She approaches discipline and conflicts with gentleness and God's Word.
  • She is not thrown by the remarks of others, but seeks only God's praise.
  • Her face reflects Love, Joy, and Hope; and her whole being shines with the truth that our future is with Jesus.
  • Her character and high standards are above reproach ~ she has God's standards.
  • Others can see Jesus in her eyes.
                                                                                         Author Unknown

  Such a picture of true godliness inspires me! I've had this list for years, and just reading over it again reveals to me how full of self and sin I am. How I long to be as described above, and yet how miserably short I fall of it! In the flesh, I am weak and such a life is impossible. I am in daily, moment by moment need of Christ's help. How desperately I need His spirit dwelling in me. Without Him, I am nothing and in the moment of trial I break - my patience wears thin, I say something I wish I hadn't, and I hurt those I love. Yes, my family can testify that I am not always sweet. I can be sour and plain hard to live with at times. (Just ask them)  It is so true that it is only by abiding in Him and and being renewed day by day thru quiet time and prayer that He is able to live in and thru us. We can't give what we don't have and so we must be connected to the Source of all that is good, pure, and lovely in order for goodness, pureness and loveliness to flow from our lives and to be all that God desires us to be.

I'm so thankful that some days come to a close and we can wake up to a fresh start and renewed strength in the Lord!

Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye except ye abide in me.
I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth  in Me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing.  John15:4-5

Friday, May 1, 2015

In Every Day

I love this reminder on those days when life's frustrations seem overwhelming - when things don't go as planned, a bad day at work, relational strains, when I'm lonely, discouraged,  just plain sick, or simply feeling blah. Not every day is good, but we can at least find something good in everyday to thank God for! It maybe His handiwork in a sunset, the love of family, an encouraging word from a friend, a smile from a complete stranger, or just the fact He has given us another day to live, to breathe, to hope, to dream, and press on to a new and better day! God is good in every day no matter what life throws at us!

This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Ps. 119:24

Friday, March 6, 2015

You Can Trust the Man that Died for You

Yield yourselves to God, as those who are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.  Romans 6:13

I went one night to hear an address on consecration. No special message came to me from it, but as the speaker kneeled to pray, he dropped this sentence: “O Lord, Thou knowest we can trust the Man that died for us.” And that was my message. I rose and walked down the street to the train; and as I walked, I pondered deeply all that consecration might mean to my life and—I was afraid. And then, above the noise and clatter of the street traffic came to me the message: “You can trust the Man that died for you.”

I got into the train to ride homeward; and as I rode, I thought of the changes, the sacrifices, the disappointments which consecration might mean to me and—I was afraid.

I reached home and sought my room, and there upon my knees I saw my past life. I had been a Christian, an officer in the church, a Sunday-school superintendent, but had never definitely yielded my life to God.

Yet as I thought of the darling plans which might be baffled, of the cherished hopes to be surrendered, and the chosen profession which I might be called upon to abandoned—I was afraid.

I did not see the better things God had for me, so my soul was shrinking back; and then for the last time, with a swift rush of convicting power, came to my innermost heart that searching message:

“My child, you can trust the Man that died for you. If you cannot trust Him whom can you trust?”

 That settled it for me, for in a flash I saw that the Man who so loved me as to die for me could be absolutely trusted with all the concerns of the life He had saved.

Friend, you can trust the Man that died for you. You can trust Him to baffle no plan which is not best to be foiled, and to carry out every one which is for God’s glory and your highest good. You can trust Him to lead you in the path which is the very best in this world for you.
—J H. McC

This devotional from Streams in the Desert just really hit me hard. Am I trusting the Man that died for me? With the economic state that our Country is in and major happenings transpiring around the globe, I believe "the handwriting is on the wall" and America as we know it is about to face some major changes in the near future... perhaps much sooner than any of us want to think or believe. In some ways, the future seems dim and the reality sinks in once again that I am living in a world of things beyond my control and my life is not my own, and I must trust the Man that died for me. Trust Him enough to accept thwarted dreams, hopes and aspirations, trust Him enough to surrender earthly cares, joys and pleasures. Trust Him that His ways are good. That no matter what transpires in my life, He IS good! And how can I trust Him unless I intimately know Him? How can I intimately know Him except I get alone and spend time with Him in prayer and in the Word?
The days are growing dark, my friends, and the only thing that will bring us through the uncertainties of the future is our steadfast faith and trust in the Man who died for us.

God's blessings to each of you!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Commitment to all times, all places! Nothing casual or occasional; it's for every moment of every day! But alas! I confess I have failed over and over again. I get caught up in my own little world and the enjoyments of life that I become casual in my walk with the Lord. And without His daily presence in my life, I fail in my own strength, often times causing friction and strained relationships.

It's something I've been thinking about lately, and find myself needing to examine where I am in my commitment to the Lord. Is He the focal point of my life or have I allowed the carnal things of this world to take a place in my heart?

We can look at the world and see its love of money, greed, and self. It's all about having the newest, the coolest, the biggest and the best. It's all about cars, sports, fashion, and celebrities. We see pride and idolization reigning in America.

But what about us who name the name of Christ, could it be possible that we may be doing the very same things, just on a smaller scale? Have we unconsciously allowed the carnal things of this world to take our Lord's place in our hearts? When we walk out of Sunday morning service and go on with our week, what are we pursuing? Do we need the newest, the coolest and the best? What is our central focus? What do we do in our spare time? Are we dwelling in the Word? Do our conversations edify and up build? Do our lives reflect Christ? Are we making Him known? We are not called to live casual Christian lives, but radically transformed lives in Christ Jesus which reaches into every aspect of living that is to be vastly different from the world.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?  2 Cor.13:5

I write all this in light of my own failures and where I  need and want to do better. It is definitely a challenge for me.

Following Christ is a continuous commitment and not always easy. It takes courage and it sometimes means standing alone. I appreciate those I know who are continuous in their walk with the Lord and have taken a stand on truth, on righteousness, and holiness and are not moved. I especially think of my sister and how she is not afraid to take a stand against unholiness no matter what others think or say. It takes someone strong who is able to do that, and she is an inspiration to me!

As I wrap this up, I'll add what my dad shared yesterday, that was on his heart. He had no idea I was working on this post, but it summed it up so well! As we are called to examine ourselves, let us examine our relationship with Jesus. How deep is our relationship with the One we call our Lord and Saviour? Without a relationship with Him, it is a dead religion. Jesus is Life. It is only through having that personal and intimate relationship with Him that will bring us through life, and through any trials and tribulations we may face in the future victoriously.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Home Hearth

                         Easy Chicken Parmesan

One of my goals this year is to expand my recipe collection, so last night I pulled chicken out of the freezer and then got out my phone and checked out Pinterest for chicken recipes. Within moments I pulled up this chicken parmesan and made it for dinner. I was quite pleased that it turned out much like the parmesan chicken I've had elsewhere. Just add some garlic bread to your menu and you'll have yourself a tasty meal!

4 chicken breasts, pounded flat if you like
Bread crumbs – You can buy them, or make them by toasting bread in the oven. Run the toasted bread through a food processor along with seasonings of your choice.
1 can or jar of tomato-based pasta sauce
Shredded mozzarella cheese
Grated parmesan cheese
1 egg, scrambled with a couple of tablespoons of milk
A few tablespoons of vegetable oil


Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Heat oil in a skillet
Dip chicken breasts in egg and milk mixture, then roll in bread crumbs
Fry breaded chicken in oil until golden on both sides (chicken won’t be cooked all the way through, but don’t worry)
Place chicken breasts in casserole dish and pour tomato sauce over the top of them.
Top with mozzarella and parmesan cheeses
Bake until chicken is cooked through and cheeses are brown and bubbly (usually around 40 minutes or so).
Use a spoon to remove any excess fat that may have collected
Serve over spaghetti.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Modesty Mentionables

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel... 1 Timothy 2:9

Whose adorning, let it not be the outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.  1 Peter 3:3-4

Well, I've decided to stick my neck out and touch on the subject of modesty, which may be a sensitive subject to some people. In fact, I will probably do it more than once! I understand we all have different perspectives of dress and what is modest, and I, myself am not one to say that there is only one type of dress that is modest. I have seen lovely cape dresses and jumpers that are not frumpy and still cover, and I have seen some that are dull as all get out, but don't do a nickels worth of the job they're suppose to do. Same goes for skirts and blouses. I personally like variety and wear all three. I'm not here to say which is more or less modest and I don't claim to have it all down. However, I do want to encourage general guidelines for a modest wardrobe.

It saddens me to see Christian girls compromise in their choice of modest dress in order to be more stylish and fashionable...wearing long slits in their skirts, or inching their skirts up more and more for the calf to show; just a little lower neckline, and a little tighter blouse. Please girls, let's be careful to not make our brothers stumble. Yes, they are accountable for their thoughts, but we also have responsibility to not defraud them or cause them to stumble.

Believe me, you can dress pleasingly without compromising in modesty. I would encourage going through your wardrobe and doing the mirror check. Your neckline may appear to be high when in standing position, but what about when bending over? How about your skirt length? Again, it may be fine when standing, but what about bending or sometimes even sitting?

 Be willing to ask your dad or brother about your outfits and if any are questionable, or what guidelines of modesty they appreciate in ladies clothing, and what they find disgraceful.
And remember, we're not here to shine for ourselves, but rather to glorify God and let Him be seen through us. Also remember, a woman's true beauty lies in the heart, not in outward appearance. If a man's eyes are drawn to our bodies and not our faces, then it's a pretty good sign something needs to change!! Let's strive to dress as daughters of the King!!