
Friday, March 4, 2016

Love and Grace

Is there not a more beautiful or more powerful testimony we bear of our Lord than when we demonstrate His love and grace to the world around us? Among the religions of this world, ours is the only one whose God is a God of love, and teaches His children to walk in love, to extend grace, forgive, to bear in mind that there is none without sin among us, to bear eachother's burdens, to serve one another, to esteem others better than ourselves, to remember the poor, turn the other cheek, love our enemies, and do good to those who hate us and pray for them that despitefully use us, to bless and curse not! This is the way we win the world to Jesus, to walk as He walked! This is what makes real the Gospel message!!
In a cold and cruel world, the warmth of God's love and grace can soften the hardest of hearts, lift a down cast spirit, turn someone's world around and set a man on a whole new life!

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